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Is It Worth It to Repair My Old Sub Zero Fridge? When it comes to household refrigerators, Sub-Zero is a name that’s synonymous with luxury and quality. Sub-Zero refrigerators are known for their exceptional performance and durability (we still see 1970’s models in our customers houses sometimes) but how long

man repairing an lg refrigerator

LG Refrigerator Repair

It’s not always easy to know when something is wrong with your LG refrigerator. Unlike a car, you can’t just take it for a test drive to see if everything is working properly. That’s why it’s important to be familiar with the most common LG refrigerator problems. This way, you

Taking apart a range oven stove

Range Oven Stove Repair

Cooking equipment is essential in any kitchen, and cooking for our family is a favorite pastime for many. But, how do you handle a broken kitchen appliance? Having broken or malfunctioning cooking equipment is inconvenient. Even if replacements are widely available, it may not be great if the equipment is

woman loading clothes in the washing machine

Washing Machine Does Not Fill With Water – NF Error

Every household has a washing machine. It is convenient for many homeowners because it simplifies life and saves time when doing laundry. It is one of the essential household items that you will cherish for a long time. You can choose from many washing machine options like their features, benefits,

Dishwasher Not Cleaning The Dishes

Dishwasher Not Cleaning Dishes? Here Are Some Helpful Tips

Dishwashing is a routine task that every household performs. Everyone wants to complete the job fast and efficiently. By understanding the benefits of each method, you may choose which way to wash the dishes is most convenient for you. A dishwasher is one of the common appliances in most households

Young woman cleaning fridge in hygiene concept

Defrost Thermostat: How to Troubleshoot?

When a refrigerator’s thermostat fails, the entire refrigerator may cease to function. The thermostat modulates the compressor to keep the temperature cold. Otherwise, you gamble having to deal with a breakdown and food deterioration. Whether you have any difficulties like these, the first thing you should do is inspect the

man taking clothes of the dryer

Dryer Not Heating – Causes & Possible Solutions

It may be one of the greatest prevalent issues for all models, but when your dryer doesn’t heat up, it effectively shuts down your whole laundry area. There are 11 probable issues that you might explore, and a few alternative remedies that you might be able to handle yourself. At

couple fixing samsung washing machine

Samsung Washing Machine Error Codes: Meaning and How to Resolve

Samsung has produced a wide range of washing machines. Even though their error codes are nearly identical, the error indications are vastly different. Their products are recognized for their excellent quality and longevity, but they may occasionally break down and stop operating, leaving you with error codes that explain what’s